We all know that nutrition is important – eating the right things, in the right amounts, at the right times. But we don’t always do what’s good for us. That’s just life, and human nature. But as we age, the need for (and health benefits of) a good diet outweighs our reliance on good old tea and biscuits!
Why we need a good diet
Life expectancy has doubled in the UK over the past 200 years, but the extra decades on our lifespan aren’t necessarily healthy ones.
You might not need as many calories as you age (unless you’re still as active as ever), but the calories you are getting should be the good stuff, topped up with treats – rather than the other way around. As well as plenty of fruit and veg, eating oily fish (and taking an Omega-3 supplement) can have a very positive impact on health in later life. They can even help to prevent strokes, dementia, Parkinson’s disease and depression; while an excess of salt, fatty foods and alcohol can increase risk.
Calcium and Vitamin D are just as important, as these help to keep your bones healthy; in fact low levels of Vitamin D can lead to more falls as you age. Being active can also help to guard against osteoporosis, but if you’re not eating right, finding the energy to get out and about can be difficult.
Improving your diet, taking part in exercise (the more social the better), drinking sensibly and staying away from the cigarettes can seriously improve your quality of life.
And while you don’t always feel like food shopping (let alone cooking), and the thought of getting your body moving is a little daunting if you haven’t exercised for years, sometimes all you need is the right encouragement, a safe environment, and likeminded people to share in the adventure.
Eating socially; enjoying food
You can’t beat a home-cooked meal. It’s tastier, healthier, and packed with far more vitamins and minerals than processed foods – plus, it’ll do your heart and brain the world of good. But as you age, cooking might not be as enjoyable and it can be a struggle to keep a good diet. That's why our mission is all about making life a little easier for our tenants.